Circulation history

  • circulation
Last updated: 31-05-2024

The circulation history is accessible from any item's detailed view. It details:

  • Circulation actions carried out on this item.
  • Circulation notifications generated for this item.
  • The number of checkouts and renewals on this item (last 365 days and total).

You can filter the list to display only circulation operations or notifications.

Information on circulation operations

  • Date/time
  • Action: preformed circulation operation. Some actions are automated by the system, e.g. a request is automatically validated when a requested item is returned.
    • Checkout: the item is loaned to the account.
    • Check-in: the item is checked-in
    • Renew: the item is renewed.
    • Request: a request is made on the item.
    • Validate request: the request is validated and the item goes into transit or becomes at desk.
    • Cancel: the request is cancelled
    • Receive: the item is received after transit
    • Notification: a notification is generated for this item
  • Library/location: library and location associated with the transaction
  • Patron: patron associated with the transaction
  • Operator: professional who performed the transaction (or system for automatic transactions)

Notification information

  • Library: library linked to the notification
  • Type: notification type (see Circulation notifications)
  • Recipients: email address to which the notification was dispatched
  • Process date: date/time when the notification was dispatched
  • Status: indicates whether the notification has been dispatched

Circulation notifications | Interlibrary loan