Check out and check in
In the professionnal interface, the button Checkout/check-in allows most circulation transactions to be carried out through a single point of entry. You can enter:
- An item barcode : Returns or checks in the item and updates its status if appropriate.
- A patron barcode/name : opens the patron's account.
Each check-in displays useful information about the item: barcode and title of the document, its status, the destination library or the name of the patron who requested the item, if applicable.
In the patron's account, enter an item barcode to perform a checkout to the patron. The circulation policy will automatically be selected and the item appears in the patron account as "On loan".
Fixed date checkout
In the patron account ("On loan" tab):
- Click on (next to the input field)
- Select "Checkout for a fixed date".
- Choose whether this date should apply to the current session or only to the current patron.
- Choose the date and "Apply"
Fixed-date check out overrides the lending period defined in the circulation policy for the item and patron. However, this policy will determine renewals, reminders and fees. If the policy does not allow check out, fixed-date lending will also be denied. Dates when the library is closed cannot be selected.
Override blockings
From a patron account (On loan tab):
- Click (next to the inpout field)
- Choose "Override blockings"
This feature allows checkouts even if the circulation policy should deny it. It doesn't allow to check out an item if the patron is not first in the waiting list.
In the patron account, the first tab, On loan, lists items currently on loan for the patron. Buttons on the right allow to renew the loans.
Current loans
User services > Current loans menu
This view lists all active loans, whether they are pending requests, on loan, or in transit. This allows you to:
- identify very late loans according to a date range: facet End date *identify all requests
- identify all requests at desk that have not been picked up on time: facet Late status > Request expired or more precisely by date range via the facet Request expiry date.
- Export loan data for any processing needs: button Export as CSV
- analyze your library's circulation data at a given time: distribution by pickup location, patron type, location, etc.
Temporary item type
If an item nedds to have other lending rules for a time, it is possible to add a temporary circulation category, which will override the basic circulation category.
Use case:
- a missing item, which cannot be requested
- an item being acquired or repaired, which must not be available for loan
- a recently published serail issue that can only be consulted on site.
Deletion date: defines when the temporary item type is to end. If no date is set, it is not automatically deleted.
Debug mode
The debug mode allows you to see the indexed data linked to a loan
resource. This mode can be accessed by a system librarian (pro full permissions) by clicking on the yellow button above in various circulation views.