Cataloguing documents

  • cataloguing
Last updated: 05-12-2023


Document detailed view

  • Top: main metadata (type, title, authors, etc.)
  • Tab Get: detail of items attached to the document
  • Tab Description: additional document metadata


Document data is stored in JSON format and can be created and edited in the document editor. This data is shared between all libraries and organizations within a RERO ILS instance. This makes it possible to link to documents that have already been catalogued by other organizations.

The document editor

  • Center (Bibliographic document): Fields for document description
  • Left margin (Add field): Shortcuts to add new fields to the document
  • Right margin (Jump to): Scroll shortcuts to reach a specific field

Each field has its own structure with various levels of repeatable and non-repeatable sub-fields. Icons accompany the headings and enable the following operations:

  • : Add a subfield
  • : Duplicate this field
  • : Delete this field

Example: adding a contribution field

Example of a cataloguing process for adding an author entity to a document:

  1. Add a field Contribution
  2. Choose Link to an entity and choose the type Person under Link to an agent
  3. In the field, begin typing the name of the person
  4. Select the entity in the autocomplete menu
  5. Check that this entity corresponds to the correct person (clicking their name shows the source repository data)
  6. If a link cannot be established to an external entity repository, one can manually enter text data by choosing Entity (local) instead of Link to an entity in the field menu.

Import a document

  1. Open menu Catalog > Import from web
  2. Search for a document in the desired source (title, author, ISBN, etc.)
    • If there are no results, you can restart the search by choosing another source. Each time you switch sources, the corresponding server is queried, which may cause a delay in response.
  3. Select the document from the results list
  4. Display source data in HTML or MARC format
  5. Clicking on Import opens the editor pre-filled with external data that you can now edit at will
  6. Save the document

By default, only the first 10 results of a search are displayed (example: 10 results out of 4978), as the query requires significant system processing for communication with the source server and on-the-fly data conversion. A button is available to display more results, which restarts processing and implies a waiting time. Displaying more than 50 results may lead to an error (waiting time too long).

If there are too many results, we recommend you refine your search terms.

Imports available

  • SLSP: The national platform that brings together scientific information from around 490 Swiss libraries (approx. 40 million documents)
  • BNF : Catalogue of the Bibliothèque Nationale de France (approx. 15 million documents)
  • DNB : Catalogue of the German National Library (approx. 25 million documents)
  • SUDOC : French union catalog produced by higher education and research libraries and documentation centers (+ 15 million documents)
  • Renouvaud: Collective catalog of the canton of Vaud, academic, school and public libraries (approx. 2.5 million documents)
  • UGent: Catalog of the University of Gent (Belgium)
  • KULeuven: Library of the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (approx. 3.5 million documents)
  • Library of Congress: Catalog of the Library of Congress (over 100 million documents)

Cataloguing guide/list of document fields

See: List of fields for the document

Data format

RERO ILS bibliographic data is stored in JSON according to the Bibframe 2.0 standard, rather than in MARC21. This format is more modern, less rigid and more compatible with web standards.

Current cataloguing rules are based on RDA, with the long-term aim of conforming to LRM bibliographic models.

Cataloguing history

The list of catalogued documents can be searched in the operation history (API only). The query can include parameters such as the PID of the user who acted on the document, the type of operation (create, update) and the date of the operation.

Example: /api/operation_logs/?q=record.type:doc AND operation:create AND date:2021-08-26 AND user.value:1%20&size=100

Roles and permissions | Use templates for cataloguing