{ "created": "2021-06-17T00:22:15.728673+00:00", "id": "980574", "links": {}, "metadata": { "$schema": "https://bib.rero.ch/schemas/documents/document-v0.0.1.json", "adminMetadata": { "encodingLevel": "Minimal level", "source": "RERO vsbcce" }, "contentMediaCarrier": [ { "carrierType": "rdact:1004", "contentType": [ "rdaco:1011" ], "mediaType": "rdamt:1001" } ], "contribution": [ { "entity": { "$ref": "https://mef.rero.ch/api/agents/idref/027644693", "pid": "5481438" }, "role": [ "cre" ] } ], "editionStatement": [ { "_text": [ { "language": "default", "value": "Special ed" } ], "editionDesignation": [ { "value": "Special ed" } ] } ], "extent": "1 disque compact", "fiction_statement": "unspecified", "identifiedBy": [ { "type": "bf:AudioIssueNumber", "value": "504424 2" }, { "source": "RERO", "type": "bf:Local", "value": "R005129251" } ], "issuance": { "main_type": "rdami:1001", "subtype": "materialUnit" }, "language": [ { "type": "bf:Language", "value": "eng" } ], "pid": "980574", "provisionActivity": [ { "_text": [ { "language": "default", "value": "[Lieu de publication non identifi\u00e9] : MJJ Productions, 2001" } ], "place": [ { "country": "xx" } ], "startDate": 2001, "statement": [ { "label": [ { "value": "[Lieu de publication non identifi\u00e9]" } ], "type": "bf:Place" }, { "label": [ { "value": "MJJ Productions" } ], "type": "bf:Agent" }, { "label": [ { "value": "2001" } ], "type": "Date" } ], "type": "bf:Publication" } ], "responsibilityStatement": [ [ { "value": "Michael Jackson" } ] ], "tableOfContents": [ "Jam ; Why You wanna trip on me ; In the closet ; She drives me wild ; Remember the time ; Can't let her get away ; Heal the world ; Black or white ; Who is it ; Give in to me ; Will You be there ; Keep the faith ; Gone too soon ; Dangerous" ], "title": [ { "_text": "Dangerous", "mainTitle": [ { "value": "Dangerous" } ], "type": "bf:Title" } ], "type": [ { "main_type": "docmaintype_audio", "subtype": "docsubtype_music" } ] }, "updated": "2023-09-03T04:21:15.290287+00:00" }