  • serial

Le programme du Festival de films de Fribourg

Festival de films de Fribourg (5-11 : 1990-1997) (author)
Frequency: Annuel
Supplement to Freiburger Nachrichten und Anzeiger für die westliche Schweiz

JSON Export

  "created": "2021-06-17T10:15:01.268732+00:00", 
  "id": "2011367", 
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  "metadata": {
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    "adminMetadata": {
      "encodingLevel": "Full level", 
      "note": [
        "Suppl\u00e9ment encart\u00e9 dans la presse, \u00e0 ne pas confondre avec le programme complet (notice 1892153) et la version de poche (R005963359) (frbcuc/03.2011/0060)"
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        "label": "Devient: Festival international de films de Fribourg", 
        "noteType": "general"
        "label": "Suppl. de: La Libert\u00e9. Et de: Freiburger Nachrichten", 
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        "label": "En 1997, suppl. de: La Gruy\u00e8re", 
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        "startDate": 2050, 
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  "updated": "2023-06-04T12:15:05.555397+00:00"