  • documentary

Millions can walk

Schaub, Christoph, 1958-.... (contributor) ; Musale, Kamal, 1960-.... (contributor)
1 DVD-vidéo
  • Version courte
L'extraction des richesses minières soutenue par le gouvernement, l'aménagement de grandes plantations et l'industrialisation de régions entières ont eu pour effet que des hommes et des femmes en Inde sont chassées des terres qu'ils cultivaient. Par conséquent, des milliers d'entre eux, paysans sans terre et aborigènes, prennent la route pour entamer une longue marche à pied. [...] Comment... Show more…

RIS (Endnote, Zotero, ...) Export

ID  - 1553987
TI  - Millions can walk
A2  - Schaub, Christoph, 1958-....
A2  - Musale, Kamal, 1960-....
DA  - 2015
SP  - 1 DVD-vidéo
CY  - [Lieu de publication non identifié]
LA  - eng
LA  - hin
LA  - mal
LA  - ori
LA  - tam
PB  - Education21
PB  - Films pour un seul monde
UR  -
KW  - {'entity': {'type': 'bf:Topic', 'pid': '14568798', 'pids': {'remote': '14568798', 'idref': '02733970X', 'gnd': '041408713'}, 'variant_access_point': ['Démarche', 'Marche', 'Marche à pied', 'Gang (Gehen)'], 'resource_type': 'remote', 'organisations': ['3', '1', '2'], 'authorized_access_point_en': 'Marche (locomotion)', 'authorized_access_point_fr': 'Marche (locomotion)', 'authorized_access_point_de': 'Gehen', 'authorized_access_point_it': 'Marche (locomotion)', 'primary_source': 'idref'}}
KW  - {'entity': {'type': 'bf:Topic', 'pid': '14580313', 'pids': {'remote': '14580313', 'idref': '027679330', 'gnd': '040702855'}, 'variant_access_point': ['Défilés de protestation', 'Désordres', 'Droit de manifestation', 'Manifestations de rue', 'Marches de protestation', 'Rassemblements sur la voie publique', 'Réunions sur la voie publique', 'Sit-in', 'Troubles politiques', 'Troubles sociaux', 'Kundgebung', 'Politische Demonstration', 'Politische Kundgebung', 'Demonstrationen'], 'resource_type': 'remote', 'organisations': ['3', '1', '2'], 'authorized_access_point_en': 'Manifestations', 'authorized_access_point_fr': 'Manifestations', 'authorized_access_point_de': 'Demonstration', 'authorized_access_point_it': 'Manifestations', 'primary_source': 'idref'}}
KW  - {'entity': {'type': 'bf:Topic', 'pid': '18221765', 'pids': {'remote': '18221765', 'idref': '027478777'}, 'resource_type': 'remote', 'organisations': ['3', '1', '2'], 'authorized_access_point_en': 'Non-violence', 'authorized_access_point_fr': 'Non-violence', 'authorized_access_point_de': 'Non-violence', 'authorized_access_point_it': 'Non-violence', 'primary_source': 'idref'}}
KW  - {'entity': {'type': 'bf:Topic', 'pid': '14565889', 'pids': {'remote': '14565889', 'idref': '027259161', 'gnd': '040343995'}, 'variant_access_point': ['Cultivateurs', 'Exploitants agricoles', 'Fermiers', 'Producteurs agricoles', 'Farmer', 'Landwirte'], 'resource_type': 'remote', 'organisations': ['3', '1', '2'], 'authorized_access_point_en': 'Agriculteurs', 'authorized_access_point_fr': 'Agriculteurs', 'authorized_access_point_de': 'Landwirt', 'authorized_access_point_it': 'Agriculteurs', 'primary_source': 'idref'}}
KW  - {'entity': {'type': 'bf:Topic', 'pid': '18221400', 'pids': {'remote': '18221400', 'idref': '02727506X'}, 'variant_access_point': ['Agrarianisme', 'Partage des terres', 'Question agraire', 'Redistribution des terres', 'Réforme foncière', 'Réformes agraires', 'Répartition des terres', 'Restitution des terres', 'Révolution agraire', 'Terres - Redistribution'], 'resource_type': 'remote', 'organisations': ['3', '1', '2'], 'authorized_access_point_en': 'Réforme agraire', 'authorized_access_point_fr': 'Réforme agraire', 'authorized_access_point_de': 'Réforme agraire', 'authorized_access_point_it': 'Réforme agraire', 'primary_source': 'idref'}}
KW  - {'entity': {'type': 'bf:Topic', 'pid': '14686115', 'pids': {'remote': '14686115', 'idref': '16683940X'}, 'variant_access_point': ['Monopolisation des terres', 'Terres, Accaparement des'], 'resource_type': 'remote', 'organisations': ['3', '2'], 'authorized_access_point_en': 'Accaparement des terres', 'authorized_access_point_fr': 'Accaparement des terres', 'authorized_access_point_de': 'Accaparement des terres', 'authorized_access_point_it': 'Accaparement des terres', 'primary_source': 'idref'}}
KW  - {'entity': {'type': 'bf:Place', 'pid': '16798545', 'pids': {'remote': '16798545', 'idref': '027261980', 'gnd': '040267229'}, 'variant_access_point': ['Bhārat', 'Bharata', 'Hindoustan', 'Hindustan', 'India', 'Bharat', 'Indische Union', 'Altindien', 'Hindustan', 'Hindostan', 'Indien (1947-)', 'Indie', 'Indian Union', 'Bhārata Gaṇarājya', 'Bhārata', 'Indien (Republik)', 'Republik Indien', 'Indien (Dominion)', 'Dominion of India', 'India', 'Republic of India', 'Inde', 'Indië', 'Bharata', 'Indiia', 'Indland', 'Hindiston Respublikasi', "Satharanarat 'India", 'Yin-tu'], 'resource_type': 'remote', 'organisations': ['3', '1', '2'], 'authorized_access_point_en': 'Inde', 'authorized_access_point_fr': 'Inde', 'authorized_access_point_de': 'Indien', 'authorized_access_point_it': 'Inde', 'primary_source': 'idref'}}
ET  - Version courte
PP  - [Lieu de publication non identifié]
Y1  - 2015
PY  - 2015
ER  -