TY - VIDEO ID - 1553987 TI - Millions can walk A2 - Schaub, Christoph, 1958-.... A2 - Musale, Kamal, 1960-.... DA - 2015 SP - 1 DVD-vidéo CY - [Lieu de publication non identifié] LA - eng LA - hin LA - mal LA - ori LA - tam PB - Education21 PB - Films pour un seul monde UR - https://bib.rero.ch/global/documents/1553987 KW - {'entity': {'type': 'bf:Topic', 'pid': '14568798', 'pids': {'remote': '14568798', 'idref': '02733970X', 'gnd': '041408713'}, 'variant_access_point': ['Démarche', 'Marche', 'Marche à pied', 'Gang (Gehen)'], 'resource_type': 'remote', 'organisations': ['3', '1', '2'], 'authorized_access_point_en': 'Marche (locomotion)', 'authorized_access_point_fr': 'Marche (locomotion)', 'authorized_access_point_de': 'Gehen', 'authorized_access_point_it': 'Marche (locomotion)', 'primary_source': 'idref'}} KW - {'entity': {'type': 'bf:Topic', 'pid': '14580313', 'pids': {'remote': '14580313', 'idref': '027679330', 'gnd': '040702855'}, 'variant_access_point': ['Défilés de protestation', 'Désordres', 'Droit de manifestation', 'Manifestations de rue', 'Marches de protestation', 'Rassemblements sur la voie publique', 'Réunions sur la voie publique', 'Sit-in', 'Troubles politiques', 'Troubles sociaux', 'Kundgebung', 'Politische Demonstration', 'Politische Kundgebung', 'Demonstrationen'], 'resource_type': 'remote', 'organisations': ['3', '1', '2'], 'authorized_access_point_en': 'Manifestations', 'authorized_access_point_fr': 'Manifestations', 'authorized_access_point_de': 'Demonstration', 'authorized_access_point_it': 'Manifestations', 'primary_source': 'idref'}} KW - {'entity': {'type': 'bf:Topic', 'pid': '18221765', 'pids': {'remote': '18221765', 'idref': '027478777'}, 'resource_type': 'remote', 'organisations': ['3', '1', '2'], 'authorized_access_point_en': 'Non-violence', 'authorized_access_point_fr': 'Non-violence', 'authorized_access_point_de': 'Non-violence', 'authorized_access_point_it': 'Non-violence', 'primary_source': 'idref'}} KW - {'entity': {'type': 'bf:Topic', 'pid': '14565889', 'pids': {'remote': '14565889', 'idref': '027259161', 'gnd': '040343995'}, 'variant_access_point': ['Cultivateurs', 'Exploitants agricoles', 'Fermiers', 'Producteurs agricoles', 'Farmer', 'Landwirte'], 'resource_type': 'remote', 'organisations': ['3', '1', '2'], 'authorized_access_point_en': 'Agriculteurs', 'authorized_access_point_fr': 'Agriculteurs', 'authorized_access_point_de': 'Landwirt', 'authorized_access_point_it': 'Agriculteurs', 'primary_source': 'idref'}} KW - {'entity': {'type': 'bf:Topic', 'pid': '18221400', 'pids': {'remote': '18221400', 'idref': '02727506X'}, 'variant_access_point': ['Agrarianisme', 'Partage des terres', 'Question agraire', 'Redistribution des terres', 'Réforme foncière', 'Réformes agraires', 'Répartition des terres', 'Restitution des terres', 'Révolution agraire', 'Terres - Redistribution'], 'resource_type': 'remote', 'organisations': ['3', '1', '2'], 'authorized_access_point_en': 'Réforme agraire', 'authorized_access_point_fr': 'Réforme agraire', 'authorized_access_point_de': 'Réforme agraire', 'authorized_access_point_it': 'Réforme agraire', 'primary_source': 'idref'}} KW - {'entity': {'type': 'bf:Topic', 'pid': '14686115', 'pids': {'remote': '14686115', 'idref': '16683940X'}, 'variant_access_point': ['Monopolisation des terres', 'Terres, Accaparement des'], 'resource_type': 'remote', 'organisations': ['3', '2'], 'authorized_access_point_en': 'Accaparement des terres', 'authorized_access_point_fr': 'Accaparement des terres', 'authorized_access_point_de': 'Accaparement des terres', 'authorized_access_point_it': 'Accaparement des terres', 'primary_source': 'idref'}} KW - {'entity': {'type': 'bf:Place', 'pid': '16798545', 'pids': {'remote': '16798545', 'idref': '027261980', 'gnd': '040267229'}, 'variant_access_point': ['Bhārat', 'Bharata', 'Hindoustan', 'Hindustan', 'India', 'Bharat', 'Indische Union', 'Altindien', 'Hindustan', 'Hindostan', 'Indien (1947-)', 'Indie', 'Indian Union', 'Bhārata Gaṇarājya', 'Bhārata', 'Indien (Republik)', 'Republik Indien', 'Indien (Dominion)', 'Dominion of India', 'India', 'Republic of India', 'Inde', 'Indië', 'Bharata', 'Indiia', 'Indland', 'Hindiston Respublikasi', "Satharanarat 'India", 'Yin-tu'], 'resource_type': 'remote', 'organisations': ['3', '1', '2'], 'authorized_access_point_en': 'Inde', 'authorized_access_point_fr': 'Inde', 'authorized_access_point_de': 'Indien', 'authorized_access_point_it': 'Inde', 'primary_source': 'idref'}} ET - Version courte PP - [Lieu de publication non identifié] Y1 - 2015 PY - 2015 ER -