{ "created": "2021-06-17T08:58:44.464138+00:00", "id": "1511892", "links": {}, "metadata": { "$schema": "https://bib.rero.ch/schemas/documents/document-v0.0.1.json", "adminMetadata": { "encodingLevel": "Full level", "source": "RERO bemcip" }, "contentMediaCarrier": [ { "carrierType": "rdact:1060", "contentType": [ "rdaco:1023" ], "mediaType": "rdamt:1008" } ], "contribution": [ { "entity": { "$ref": "https://mef.rero.ch/api/agents/idref/129505897", "pid": "4036643" }, "role": [ "ctb" ] }, { "entity": { "$ref": "https://mef.rero.ch/api/agents/idref/274545039", "pid": "6780531" }, "role": [ "ctb" ] } ], "credits": [ "Participants ou interpr\u00e8tes: Jon Favreau ; Sofia Vergara ; John Leguizamo ... et al." ], "duration": [ "115 min." ], "electronicLocator": [ { "content": "coverImage", "type": "relatedResource", "url": "https://www.cine-feuilles.ch/storage/app/uploads/public/5a3/e76/4cc/5a3e764cc5895618937703.jpg" } ], "extent": "1 DVD-vid\u00e9o (115 min.)", "fiction_statement": "fiction", "genreForm": [ { "entity": { "$ref": "https://mef.rero.ch/api/concepts/idref/14779644X", "pid": "14680708" } }, { "entity": { "$ref": "https://mef.rero.ch/api/concepts/idref/034431365", "pid": "14641071" } } ], "identifiedBy": [ { "type": "bf:VideoRecordingNumber", "value": "720782" }, { "type": "bf:VideoRecordingNumber", "value": "3333297207829" }, { "source": "RERO", "type": "bf:Local", "value": "R008093668" } ], "intendedAudience": [ { "audienceType": "filmage_ch", "value": "from the age of 12" } ], "issuance": { "main_type": "rdami:1001", "subtype": "materialUnit" }, "language": [ { "type": "bf:Language", "value": "fre" }, { "type": "bf:Language", "value": "eng" } ], "note": [ { "label": "Une prod. Aldamisa Entertainment - Kilburn Media, 2014", "noteType": "general" }, { "label": "Choix de langues: Fran\u00e7ais, anglais. Sous-titres: Fran\u00e7ais, anglais, danois, finnois, n\u00e9erlandais, norv\u00e9gien, su\u00e9dois", "noteType": "general" } ], "originalLanguage": [ "eng" ], "pid": "1511892", "provisionActivity": [ { "_text": [ { "language": "default", "value": "[Lieu de publication non identifi\u00e9] : Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, 2015" } ], "place": [ { "country": "fr" } ], "startDate": 2015, "statement": [ { "label": [ { "value": "[Lieu de publication non identifi\u00e9]" } ], "type": "bf:Place" }, { "label": [ { "value": "Sony Pictures Home Entertainment" } ], "type": "bf:Agent" }, { "label": [ { "value": "2015" } ], "type": "Date" } ], "type": "bf:Publication" } ], "responsibilityStatement": [ [ { "value": "written and dir. by Jon Favreau" } ], [ { "value": "music supervisor Mathieu Schreyer" } ], [ { "value": "prod. by Jon Favreau" } ] ], "summary": [ { "label": [ { "value": "Carl Casper, Chef cuisinier, pr\u00e9f\u00e8re d\u00e9missionner soudainement de son poste plut\u00f4t que d'accepter de compromettre son int\u00e9grit\u00e9 cr\u00e9ative par les d\u00e9cisions du propri\u00e9taire de l'\u00e9tablissement. Il doit alors d\u00e9cider de son avenir. Se retrouvant ainsi \u00e0 Miami, il s'associe \u00e0 son ex-femme, son ami et son fils pour lancer un food truck. En prenant la route, le Chef Carl retourne \u00e0 ses racines et retrouve la passion pour la cuisine et un zeste de vie et d'amour" } ] }, { "label": [ { "value": "Com\u00e9die" } ] } ], "title": [ { "_text": "Chef", "mainTitle": [ { "value": "Chef" } ], "type": "bf:Title" } ], "type": [ { "main_type": "docmaintype_movie_series", "subtype": "docsubtype_movie" } ] }, "updated": "2024-11-24T20:56:35.804366+00:00" }