TY - BOOK ID - 1394901 TI - The Anton Mosimann collection of books and documents on European cookery and gastronomy : a cultural history of a selection of more than 300 important and rare books & documents from the collection : bibliography-biography A2 - Mosimann, Anton A2 - Weiss, Hans U., 19..-.... DA - 2012 SP - 1 vol. (non paginé) CY - [Zürich] LA - eng LA - fre LA - ger LA - ita LA - lat PB - Hans Weiss Bibliotheca Gastronomica UR - https://bib.rero.ch/global/documents/1394901 KW - {'entity': {'type': 'bf:Person', 'pid': '7213739', 'pids': {'remote': '7213739', 'idref': '128409541', 'gnd': '119038471', 'rero': 'A008974897'}, 'resource_type': 'remote', 'organisations': ['3', '2'], 'authorized_access_point_en': 'Mosimann, Anton', 'authorized_access_point_fr': 'Mosimann, Anton', 'authorized_access_point_de': 'Mosimann, Anton, 1947-', 'authorized_access_point_it': 'Mosimann, Anton', 'primary_source': 'idref'}} KW - {'entity': {'type': 'bf:Topic', 'pid': '14570795', 'pids': {'remote': '14570795', 'idref': '027404250', 'gnd': '040472892'}, 'variant_access_point': ['Livres - Collections privées', 'Manuscrits - Collections privées', 'Privatbibliotheken', 'Private Bibliothek'], 'resource_type': 'remote', 'organisations': ['3', '2', '1'], 'authorized_access_point_en': 'Bibliothèques privées', 'authorized_access_point_fr': 'Bibliothèques privées', 'authorized_access_point_de': 'Privatbibliothek', 'authorized_access_point_it': 'Bibliothèques privées', 'primary_source': 'idref'}} KW - {'entity': {'type': 'bf:Topic', 'pid': '14563864', 'pids': {'remote': '14563864', 'idref': '027227758', 'gnd': '040716015'}, 'variant_access_point': ['Art culinaire', 'Art de la bonne chère', 'Gastronomie (Gaststättengewerbe)', 'Bewirtungsbetrieb'], 'resource_type': 'remote', 'organisations': ['3', '2', '1'], 'authorized_access_point_en': 'Gastronomie', 'authorized_access_point_fr': 'Gastronomie', 'authorized_access_point_de': 'Gaststättengewerbe', 'authorized_access_point_it': 'Gastronomie', 'primary_source': 'idref'}} KW - {'entity': {'type': 'bf:Topic', 'pid': '14633607', 'pids': {'remote': '14633607', 'idref': '033386390'}, 'variant_access_point': ['Cahiers de cuisine', 'Cuisine, Livres de', 'Gastronomie, Livres de', 'Livres culinaires', 'Livres de gastronomie', 'Livres de recettes', 'Recettes, Livres de'], 'resource_type': 'remote', 'organisations': ['3', '2', '1'], 'authorized_access_point_en': 'Livres de cuisine', 'authorized_access_point_fr': 'Livres de cuisine', 'authorized_access_point_de': 'Livres de cuisine', 'authorized_access_point_it': 'Livres de cuisine', 'primary_source': 'idref'}} KW - {'entity': {'type': 'bf:Topic', 'pid': '14566078', 'pids': {'remote': '14566078', 'idref': '02726470X', 'gnd': '040205177'}, 'variant_access_point': ['Landesgeschichte', 'Regionalgeschichte', 'Ortsgeschichte', 'Zeitgeschichte'], 'resource_type': 'remote', 'organisations': ['3', '2', '1'], 'authorized_access_point_en': 'Histoire', 'authorized_access_point_fr': 'Histoire', 'authorized_access_point_de': 'Geschichte', 'authorized_access_point_it': 'Histoire', 'primary_source': 'idref'}} KW - {'entity': {'type': 'bf:Temporal', 'identifiedBy': {'type': 'RERO', 'value': 'A022469537'}, 'authorized_access_point': '16e siècle-20e siècle'}} KW - {'entity': {'type': 'bf:Topic', 'pid': '14633612', 'pids': {'remote': '14633612', 'idref': '033387184'}, 'variant_access_point': ['Menus (publications éphémères)', 'Cartes de menus', 'Cartes de restaurants'], 'resource_type': 'remote', 'organisations': ['3', '2'], 'authorized_access_point_en': 'Menus', 'authorized_access_point_fr': 'Menus', 'authorized_access_point_de': 'Menus', 'authorized_access_point_it': 'Menus', 'primary_source': 'idref'}} KW - {'entity': {'type': 'bf:Temporal', 'pid': '16705365', 'pids': {'remote': '16705365', 'idref': '027805417'}, 'variant_access_point': ['1500-1800 (subdivision)', 'Ancien régime'], 'resource_type': 'remote', 'organisations': ['3', '2', '1'], 'authorized_access_point_en': '1500-1800', 'authorized_access_point_fr': '1500-1800', 'authorized_access_point_de': '1500-1800', 'authorized_access_point_it': '1500-1800', 'primary_source': 'idref'}} KW - {'entity': {'type': 'bf:Temporal', 'pid': '16705518', 'pids': {'remote': '16705518', 'idref': '077318714'}, 'variant_access_point': ['1800-.... (subdivision)', '1789-....'], 'resource_type': 'remote', 'organisations': ['3', '2', '1'], 'authorized_access_point_en': '1800-....', 'authorized_access_point_fr': '1800-....', 'authorized_access_point_de': '1800-....', 'authorized_access_point_it': '1800-....', 'primary_source': 'idref'}} PP - [Zürich] Y1 - 2012 PY - 2012 ER -