{ "created": "2021-06-17T03:37:19.136044+00:00", "id": "1215711", "links": {}, "metadata": { "$schema": "https://bib.rero.ch/schemas/documents/document-v0.0.1.json", "adminMetadata": { "encodingLevel": "Full level", "note": [ "Notice migr\u00e9e HEP-BEJUNE (njhep-/09.2011)" ], "source": "RERO njhep-" }, "contentMediaCarrier": [ { "carrierType": "rdact:1060", "contentType": [ "rdaco:1023" ], "mediaType": "rdamt:1008" } ], "contribution": [ { "entity": { "$ref": "https://mef.rero.ch/api/agents/idref/081581254", "pid": "6742127" }, "role": [ "ctb" ] } ], "credits": [ "Participants ou interpr\u00e8tes: Adam Bousdoukos ; Moritz Bleibtreu ; Birol \u00dcnel" ], "duration": [ "143 min." ], "extent": "1 DVD-vid\u00e9o (143 min.)", "fiction_statement": "unspecified", "genreForm": [ { "entity": { "$ref": "https://mef.rero.ch/api/concepts/idref/034431365", "pid": "14641071" } } ], "identifiedBy": [ { "source": "RERO", "type": "bf:Local", "value": "R006172225" } ], "intendedAudience": [ { "audienceType": "filmage_ch", "value": "from the age of 14" } ], "issuance": { "main_type": "rdami:1001", "subtype": "materialUnit" }, "language": [ { "type": "bf:Language", "value": "fre" }, { "type": "bf:Language", "value": "ger" } ], "note": [ { "label": "Dialogue en fran\u00e7ais, allemand, sous-titr\u00e9 en fran\u00e7ais", "noteType": "general" }, { "label": "Dur\u00e9e du film : 96 min.", "noteType": "general" }, { "label": "Zone 2", "noteType": "general" } ], "pid": "1215711", "provisionActivity": [ { "_text": [ { "language": "default", "value": "[Lieu de publication non identifi\u00e9] : Path\u00e9 Films, [2010]" } ], "place": [ { "country": "xx" } ], "startDate": 2010, "statement": [ { "label": [ { "value": "[Lieu de publication non identifi\u00e9]" } ], "type": "bf:Place" }, { "label": [ { "value": "Path\u00e9 Films" } ], "type": "bf:Agent" }, { "label": [ { "value": "[2010]" } ], "type": "Date" } ], "type": "bf:Publication" } ], "responsibilityStatement": [ [ { "value": "Fatih Akin" } ] ], "summary": [ { "label": [ { "value": "Zinos, jeune restaurateur \u00e0 Hambourg, traverse une mauvaise passe. Sa copine Nadine est partie s'installer \u00e0 Shanghai, les clients de son restaurant, le Soul Kitchen, boudent la cuisine gastronomique de son nouveau chef, un talentueux caract\u00e9riel, et il a des probl\u00e8mes de dos ! Zinos d\u00e9cide de rejoindre Nadine en Chine, et confie son restaurant \u00e0 son fr\u00e8re Illias, fra\u00eechement sorti de prison. Ces deux d\u00e9cisions se r\u00e9v\u00e8lent d\u00e9sastreuses : Illias perd le restaurant au jeu contre un promoteur immobilier v\u00e9reux, et Nadine a quelqu'un d'autre dans sa vie ! (Allocin\u00e9)" } ] }, { "label": [ { "value": "Com\u00e9die" } ] } ], "title": [ { "_text": "Soul kitchen : film long m\u00e9trage (France, Allemagne, 2008)", "mainTitle": [ { "value": "Soul kitchen" } ], "subtitle": [ { "value": "film long m\u00e9trage (France, Allemagne, 2008)" } ], "type": "bf:Title" } ], "type": [ { "main_type": "docmaintype_movie_series", "subtype": "docsubtype_movie" } ] }, "updated": "2024-11-26T03:45:50.716240+00:00" }