View and export data

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Last updated: 31-05-2024

Configurable statistics

Librarians with "all permissions", "library administration" or "statistics" roles have access to the custom statistics module. This module lets you edit configurations to generate statistical reports based on a choice of parameters.

Open the menu Reports and statistics > Report configuration to display the list of active configurations linked to your library. Configurations and reports belonging to other libraries in the organization can be viewed, but not edited.

See: Detailed statistics presentation (demo video in French, 21 min)

Setting up a configuration

A configuration is a set of parameters that manages the production of statistical reports at regular intervals to analyze the institution's activity. It contains the following fields:

Field Description Note
Library Library to which the configuration belongs Defined by the active library of the user creating the configuration
Name Name of the configuration It's useful to give it a clear, meaningful name so that you can find its configuration in the list later.
Description Enables you to enter more information about the configuration
Active Is the configuration active? Non-active configurations do not generate reports and are hidden by default in the list of configs.
Frequency Frequency at which statistics reports should be generated. Controls only the frequency of report generation, not a filter on calculated data
Filter data by library If enabled, statistics are calculated only for resources belonging to the selected libraries. Otherwise, they are calculated for the resources of the entire organization.
Category Configuration category Catalog, circulation or user management
Indicator Choose the indicator to calculate/analyze for this configuration
Distributions Up to 2 filters to distribute data in the generated statistics table. The first value selected distributes by row, the second distributes by column. If no distribution is selected, only a number linked to the indicator will be generated in the report. Each indicator has different distribution possibilities, depending on the data considered.
Period Time interval to filter data for a specific period. Leave empty if you don't want to filter the data. Active only for indicators for which a time interval makes sense (circulation operations, deletions, etc.). Examples: the number of checkout operations carried out during the previous month, or the number of patrons who were active during the previous year.

There are two tabs in the configuration detail view:

  • Reports: lists the reports generated by this configuration
    • Clicking on the report date: displays a JSON containing statistics and the configuration status at the time of generation (this status can be viewed if the configuration has since been modified).
    • Click on the Download button: download the report in CSV format.
  • Live values: Displays a table of live values based on the current configuration. Allows you to check whether the form of the table/report corresponds to what is required.

Calculating indicators and distributions

A few explanations on how indicators work (in bold) and how distributions work (second level of list). For the sake of brevity, distributions whose names are self-explanatory are not listed here.


  • Number of documents: the number of documents (bibliographic records) that exist in the organization, and belonging to filtered libraries (if any). A document is counted for a given library as soon as the library has a holdings or a file linked to the document.
    • Creation month/year: Distributes by the document creation date. This does not consider the moment when a pre-existing document was linked to the library.
    • Owning library: Distributes by library that has holdings linked to this document.
    • Imported: A document is considered imported if it contains a field "Administrative metadata > Source".
  • Number of items: the number of items/issues existing in the organization, and belonging to filtered libraries (if any).
    • Creation month/year: Distributes by item creation date.
    • Document type/subtype: Distributes by type of the document, to which the item is linked.
    • Type (standard/issue): Distributes par item type. standard = standard item; issue = issue recieved in a holdings of type serial; provisional = fictive provisional item used for requests made directly on holdings.
  • Number of serial holdings: the number of holdings of type serial, i.e. manually created/managed (see Holdings) existing in the organization, and belonging to filtered libraries (if any).
    • Creation month/year: Distributes by holdings creation date.
  • Number of deleted items: Number of item deletion operations performed in the organization, during the selected period (if any) or for items belonging to filtered libraries (if any).
    • Action month/year: Distributes by item deletion date.
    • Owning library: Distributes by item owning library. Doesn't work for operations performed before update v1.20.0 because that data was not yet saved in the operation_log.
    • Operator library: Distributes by login library of the user who deleted the item. Works for deletions performed before v1.20.0 but may not count deletions made outside of the Web interface (tasks, scripts, machine-deletions, etc.)

User management

  • Number of patrons: Number of patrons registered in the organization. A patron belongs to an organisation and not to a specific library, which is why it is not possible to filter by library.
    • Creation month/year: Distributes by patron creation date (date of registration in the organisation).
  • Number of active patrons: Number of users in the organisation who have made a checkout, check-in, request or renewal operation, during the selected period (if any) and in the filtered libraries (if any).
    • Creation month/year: Distributes by patron creation date (date of registration in the organisation).


  • Number of checkouts: Number of checkout operations performed in the organization, during the selected period (if any) and in the filtered libraries (if any).
  • Number of checkins: Number of checkin operations performed in the organization, during the selected period (if any) and in the filtered libraries (if any).
  • Number of requests: Number of request operations performed in the organization, during the selected period (if any) and in the filtered libraries (if any).
  • Nombre of renewals: Number of extend operations performed in the organization, during the selected period (if any) and in the filtered libraries (if any).
  • Number of validated requests: Number of request validation operations performed in the organization, during the selected period and in the filtered libraries (if any).
  • Number of ILL requests: Number of ILL requests existing in the organization, created during the selected period (if any) and with a pickup location in the filtered libraries (if any).
  • Distribution explanation for circulation indicators
    • Transaction channel: system = circulation operation was made at the desk or in the interface; sip2 = circulation operation was made at an automatic terminal

Statistics (legacy)

Basic statistics are accessible from the public view (access restricted to professional roles): menu Tools > Statistics

A librarian can only see statistics for libraries for which they have permissions.


Indicator Calculation method
Checkouts for transaction library Total checkouts (not including renewals) made from the library (transaction location).
Checkouts for owning library Total checkouts (not including renewals) on library-owned items, regardless of transaction location.
Renewals Total renewals on items owned by the library.
Validated requests Total requests (excluding ILL) validated from the library (place of transaction).
Active patrons by postal code Total number of patrons with at least one transaction (checkout, request, check-in) on an item belonging to the library, broken down by zip code.
This indicator also counts patrons created and then deleted during the selected period.
New active patrons by postal code Total number of patrons created within the timeframe and with at least one transaction (checkout, request, check-in) on an item belonging to the library, broken down by zip code.
This indicator does not include patrons created and deleted during the selected period.
Items by document type and subtype Total items broken down by the type and subtype of their parent document.
Warning: as a document may belong to several types and subtypes, the total does not represent the exact sum of existing items.
New items Total items created within timeframe.
This indicator does not include items created and deleted during the selected timeframe.
New items by location Total items created within timeframe, broken down by location
This indicator does not include items created and deleted during the selected timeframe.
New documents Total documents created by a librarian while connected to the library.
This indicator also counts documents created and then deleted during the selected timeframe.
Loans of transaction library by item location Total checkouts (not including renewals) made from the library (transaction location), broken down by item location.


  • indicators are displayed by timeframe: they refer to the whole period for cumulative indicators (e.g. number_of_new_items), or to the last day of the period for those giving a view of the data at a specific point in time (e.g. number_of_items_by_location).

Inventory list

Menu Reports & monitoring > Inventory list

Inventory lists are lists of items, useful for inventory or weeding tasks. Before exporting the list, items can be filtered (facets) or searched.

CSV export

The item list can be exported as a CSV file. When opening in an external spreadsheet program, you need to specify the import mode. In Excel, for example, select "Data > Get data > From file > From text/CSV file".

Search examples

Query Returns
BCV Items with a field containing BCV
598* Items containing a term beginning with 598
expert search call_number:"LLG An" Items where the call number contains LLG An (quotation marks required for space in query)
expert search call_number:"QA 76*" OR second_call_number:"QA 76*" Items with a first or second call number containing a term beginning with QA 76


Menu Reports & monitoring > Fees

The fees view gives you a list of all the fees associated with your organization's patron accounts. It contains:

  • Engaged fees not yet paid, amount in red
  • Fee payments received, amount in green
  • Cancelled fees, amount in black
  • Disputes, amount in yellow

As with other resource lists, the results can be sorted and filtered using facets (by item owning library, transaction library, type, category, transaction date and patron type). There's also a button for exporting to CSV. At the top of the facet list, a summary of amounts received is displayed.

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