Release notes

Last updated: 26-08-2024

Fix v1.23.1 August 2024

See full changelog


Public interface

  • Improved compatibility of the public interface with older browsers/systems still used by the public (notably iOS 15). Search results should now load correctly on phones/tablets, even those that are around eight years old.

Update v1.23.0 August 2024

See full changelog

New feature

Automatic loan renewal

Patrons don't have to be punished with fees (a source of discontent and inequality) when they simply forget to extend their renewable loans. A new setting allows network/library managers to enable automatic loan renewal for circulation policies.

  • Loans covered by these policies will be renewed by the system when they reach their due date.
  • Only loans that would be manually renewable are extended by the system: e.g. no renewal if the item has been requested by someone else or if the patron is blocked/limited.
  • A notification is sent to the patron to inform them that their loans have been renewed.



  • Updated some technical dependencies.
  • Improved the app's favicon.


  • Audiobooks imported from Cantook now have the correct document type.


  • Improved validation of "circulation policies" resources by adding consistency between the "checkout duration", "maximum number of renewals" and "renewal duration" fields.

Bug fixes

Public interface

  • All Authors/Subjects used in the organisation (and only those) are now displayed in the public entity search.


  • Error messages in SIP2 terminals should now be correctly translated to the patron's language.
  • Fixed an error in the Fees view when a fee was linked to a deleted location.
  • Correction of a display error (blank note) when lending/returning/receiving items without notes.
  • Fixed a bug where a circulation policy allowing renewals without specifying an renewal duration could be saved, which led to an error upon renewal.


  • Document editor: fixed a bug when adding a contributor by duplicating anything but the last subfield created an error and prevented to select a role.
  • Document editor: fixed a bug where unselecting and reselecting a contributor role would prevent saving.
  • Document editor: fixed a bug where it was possible to delete a field but not add it again.
  • Import from the Web: fixed a bug linked to the fiction field on import.


  • Fixed a bug that prevented to add a Note field in an existing order line.
  • Fixed a bug where the selected account was not displayed in its field on editing an acquisition order line.


  • Fixed a bug that made testing servers contain too many ebooks.

Update v1.22.1 June 2024

See full changelog

New features

Add files to library documents

Cataloging librarians can now upload files related to documents to make them available for download in the ILS. This can be used to manage and provide access to the electronic version of a document.

  • Each file belongs to a library, is linked to a document, and has an editable label field.
  • Images and PDF files generate a thumbnail and can be previewed directly in the app.
  • A new feature "Search in full-text" allows users to search documents by looking up the textual content of their files.
  • If a document has files, they are displayed in the "Get" tab both in the public and pro UI.
  • Up to 500 files of any type (500Mb max per file) can be added to a bucket (a bucket is a container for files belonging to a library and related to a document).
  • A bucket can belong to one or more "Digital collections" that can be used to regroup documents with files.

For existing RERO+ clients, this will replace the legacy RERO DOC service, mainly used to host and provide access to patrimonial documents.

Files in the "Get" tab

Files linked to my library in the pro view

Enrich your documents with Babelio

RERO ILS is now compatible with the Babelthèque service, which can enrich documents in the public view with data from Babelio: user reviews, related documents, tags, etc. This data is fetched and displayed dynamically to enrich the public interface but is not managed by RERO ILS.

Activating this feature for an institution requires them to have a contract with Babelio.

Babelio enrichments for a document in public view


A new field fiction_statement was added to the document metadata. This field can indicate if a document is considered Fiction or Non-fiction, which is useful for most books and films. Unspecified is the default value and can be chosen if the information is irrelevant, e.g. for documents that are images or objects.

A new facet allows users to filter documents by their fiction statement field. When importing documents, the fiction_statement field is populated using MARC21 008/11 and UNIMARC 105/11 fields. For RERO+ clients, existing documents where the information could be inferred from the existing data have been updated.

Easily view an item's fees

The professionnal item detailed view now lists all active fees for the given item, with a direct link to the fee on the related patron's circulation interface.

View of fees linked to an item



  • Updated the Angular UI framework from v14 to v17 for increased security, compatibility, and performance and adapted the resource editors to this new version.
  • Updated multiple technical dependencies for security, compatibility, and performance.
  • Added Google Analytics configuration to be compatible with GA4.


  • When searching for items (inventory list or API) with the expert search, the field call_numbers now regroups all call numbers (1st and 2nd) for each item, including the 1st and 2nd call numbers inherited from the serial holdings. Using call_numbers.raw also allows to search exact matches or with regular expressions.
  • Enhanced the year facet in the document import and search to show extreme dates for the current selection.


  • When scanning an item barcode, a warning message is now displayed if the item belongs to an active exhibition/course or temporary location.
  • The requests list now displays the temporary location for requested items that have one.
  • Added the item type and temporary item type info to librarian notifications of type booking and request.
  • When cancelling a request from the professional patron account, a warning message is now displayed for the librarian when the item contains other requests.
  • It is now possible to filter the fees list (patron_transaction_events) by item pid to see all transactions linked to a specific item. Example: "/professional/records/patron_transaction_events?q=&item=123".


  • Added an icon to the "Duplicate" button in the resources' detailed views.
  • Moved the "Operation history" button to the top of the resources' detailed views and added an icon.
  • Item detailed views: added a new tab "Circulation" to contain all circulation info for the item, including the circulation history button.
  • Searching for items in the inventory list is now done with no filter by default.
  • Access to the detailed view of items and holdings is now restricted to librarians of the same organisation to protect sensitive data linked to these resources (loans, fees, patrons, etc.). The API for these resources' main metadata is still open to everyone.


  • When creating new receipt lines, a new button allows to select/deselect all order lines in the displayed list.


  • A librarian with full_permissions can now fully manage private templates belonging to other librarians in their organisation.

Reports & statistics

  • In the reports config, the indicator "number of documents" now counts documents that have a holdings OR a file linked for a specific library.


  • Deleted the fields legacy_circulation_rules from all items. These fields were used by RERO+ clients shortly after migrating to check circulation rules from the previous system ; they are no longer useful or relevant.

Bug fixes

Public interface

  • Fixed a bug in the public view that displayed "available" for documents with no available item in the organisation, if an available item existed in another organisation.
  • JSON/RIS document list export: fixed a bug that generated an incorrect or empty export from the results list of an expert search query.


  • Fixed a bug where the exclusion boolean operator (-) didn't correclty exclude terms from certain fields.
  • Fixed a bug in the pro UI where some filters (e.g. organisation=1) were wrongfully added to a search when reloading a results page.


  • Fixed an incorrect implementation that prevented ILL requests older than 6 months to be displayed in any view or API. They are now hidden only in the patron views (public and pro), as initially announced. They can still be viewed by professionnals from the ILL requests list and the API.
  • Fixed a bug that displayed the wrong number of operations in the circulation history of an item because it also counted notifications linked to the loan.
  • An item's checkin notes are now displayed when scanning an item, even for items coming back from transit (action recieve).
  • Fixed the library filter button showing a PID instead of the library name when first loading the page in the fees view.


  • Import a document: Fixed an error when trying to display a document without a responsibility statement (245 $c).
  • Import a document: Fixed a bug that imported the incorrect Alma record when its MMS-ID existed elsewhere (e.g. zone 773) in another record.
  • Import a document: Fixed an error that prevented importing documents with many identifiers.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented subjects and genreForm entities to be correctly synced between MEF and RERO ILS.
  • Fixed a bug that displayed an unclear message ("undefined collections") when trying to delete an item linked to a course/exhibition.
  • Document editor: fixed a bug that was disordering data when a new element was added to a list containing more than two elements (e.g. subjects, contributions, etc.).


  • Removed standard resource validation warnings from the monitoring interface (Sentry).


  • Fixed an error occurring when trying to display in the browser a JSONSchema containing $ref fields.
  • Fixed an unclear error when trying to use OAuth for a user with no patron profile.
  • Fixed an error in the API when searching for a user without a profile.
  • Renamed an irrelevant field name bf:Agent to type in the remote entity resource.

Update v1.21.0 February 2024

See full changelog

New features

Documents advanced search

The professional documents search now offers a component to help the user build an expert search query.

  • With expert query mode enabled, use the "Build advanced query" form to target specific fields and combine them with boolean operators.
  • When clicking "Search", the form is translated into an expert search syntax and used to search documents.
  • The created query can be modified manually or filtered with facets.

Advanced query builder

Always show item details on checkin

A librarian can perform a check-in on any item and it will always display details about this item/document even when the item has no active loan/request and no circulation action is performed. This allows librarians to check information (status, title, links, etc.) about any item directly from the check-in view.

Entities navigation

When navigating the app, clicking on a link or textual entity (author, subject, etc.) always opens a document search for this entity in the corresponding field. For example, clicking on the name of a author (entity of type person in contribution) will list all documents with this person in the contribution field (not in subjects). For librarians, a new tab in the professional document detailed view lists all link entities and clicking on them will lead to this entity's detailed view.

Entities linked to a document

Filter documents by their acquisition date

A new facet has been added to the documents search and allows the user to filter documents by their item's acquisition date. This allows your library's patrons to list your new acquisitions intuitively from the interface instead of relying on a complex URL syntax like before.

Filter patron by blocked/expired status

In the patrons list (professionnal interface), a librarian can now use two new filters to list only patrons that are blocked or expired.

New patron filters



  • Help module: improved the search performance and features with page snippets.
  • Upgraded the flask framework used by the app to version >2.0.0.
  • Upgraded multiple technical dependencies, especially invenio modules, improving general performance and fixing vulnerabilities.

Public interface

  • When viewing a patron's ILL requests (pro and public interface), the requests that are more than 6 months old AND are not pending are hidden (older requests can still be listed in the API).


  • When viewing a patron's active loans from the circulation interface, a librarian can now sort the list by item location and expand the info of all items at once using the arrow at the top.


  • The fields Contained in > Numberings > Volume/Issue now allow any characters and not only numbers (e.g. "18,5").


  • The vendor and order lists sort options have been improved:
    • Orders can be sorted by date and reference and are better filtered by status.
    • Vendors can now be sorted by name.
  • In order/receipt views, more document information is now displayed (authors, publishers, year, etc.).

Bug fixes


  • Fixed a bug that allowed a resource to be saved twice when clicking on the "Save" button multiple times, which sometimes resulted in multiple items with the same barcode.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented form addons to be translated (for example: "day(s)" in the circulation policy editor).
  • Fixed some translations.
  • RERO+ instance: Updated the links to for list of other RERO+ libraries on the homepages.

Public interface

  • Fixed an error ocurring if a patron changed their password and used certain special characters (e.g. 'ë', 'ü, etc.).


  • Cancelling an item request now always creates an operation_log for the cancel action, even if the request has been validated.
  • Fixed a bug where cancelling a request when the loan is in transit would directly set the next item as at_desk and send an availability notification.
  • Fixed a bug where an item that had no active loan but was still in transit (for example after a checkin in the wrong library) was still marked as available.
  • Fixed a bug that showed the wrong total number of pending requests on an item in the patron pro "pending" tab.
  • Patron history (pro interface): fixed a bug preventing the checkout or renewal info to be displayed for loans linked to one or more notifications.
  • Fixed the title of the facet "Request status" in the ILL requests list.


  • Fixed a bug that prevented the acquisition date of an item to be correctly saved when creating a new item.
  • Import from the web: fixed author facet display when searching for documents in SUDOC.
  • Import from the web: fixed an infinite loading screen occurring when there was a problem with a remote repository search (BNF, DNB, etc.).
  • Fixed a bug when importing documents containing a subject of type bf:Work with a creator from the DNB or LOC.
  • Fixed some small bugs in the mechanism for automatically converting textual entities to IdRef/GND links.

Reports & statistics

  • Fixed the number of new active patrons not being correctly calculated in the legacy stats module for librarians.
  • Fixed a bug when calculating stats (stats config module) for the "number of requests" with a deleted location.

Update v1.20.0 December 2023

See full changelog

New features

Custom statistics report configuration

A new module allows librarians to edit custom configurations that can generate usage and database satistics in order to analyse an institution's activity. A librarian with permissions can create and edit configs, in shich they can choose an indicator, some filters and up to 2 distributions (lines and columns) for the presentation of the data. Each config will then generate downloadable CSV reports at the end of every month or every year.

Import documents from Renouvaud SRU

A cataloging librarian can now search and import documents from the Renouvaud network. The Renouvaud import tab searches documents in both catalogs: 'Sciences et patrimoines' (around 2 million documents) and 'Écoles et lecture publique' (around 360'000 documents).



  • Changed some icons in the professional menu to be more informative.


  • Improved the ILL requests list in the pro patron view: the requests are now sorted by most recent, and there is no need to expand a line to see the request date and pickup location.
  • Clarified the ILL requests metadata: added a new value "cancelled" for loan_status and changed "Status" label to "Request status".

Serial management

  • Changed the holdings detailed view and the quick-recieve action icons to be more informative.

Bug fixes


  • Current active library is now always displayed in the pro interface bar, even if the user has only one library.
  • Fixed the "switch library" menu not working on mobile.
  • Fixed various dependencies and security issues.


  • Fixed the display of the patron info box on item check-in.
  • Added a maximum notification delay of 720 minutes (12 hours) for availability notification to prevent recurring task errors.

Serial management

  • Fixed a bug that recorded a "received date" in non-received issues (status "late" or "expected").

User management

  • Adapted the size of the country field in the user editor.
  • Fixed the display of optional fields in patron detailed view.


  • Fixed a bug with subjects of type conference in SLSP import.
  • Fixed a bug with contribution's qualifier in BNF import.
  • Small fix in the mechanism to replace entities by an IdRef/GND link.
  • Fixed the "Note" label being displayed in the document description even if the field was empty.
  • Uniformized the placement of the entity icon for local and remote entities detailed views.

Update v1.19.0 October 2023

See full changelog

New features

Local entities management

If the feature is enabled in the instance (not enabled for RERO+ network), a librarian can now manage local entities (persons, corporate bodies, topics, places, temporals and works). This allows libraries, that do not use MEF, to manage and use their own entities and their metadata to link with documents (authors, subjects, genre/forms).

Those fields now accept either a link to a remote entity (MEF-IdRef-GND), a link to a local entity (catalogued directly in RERO ILS and shared between all organisations), or a textual entity (i.e. an authorized access point with or without an external identifier).

Multiple entities improvements

All types of entities can be displayed from the public and professionnal interfaces (brief and detailed views) with a direct link to list their linked documents. Moreover, clicking on an entity name (author, subject, etc.) in the public view leads the user directly to a list of documents linked to this entity.

Addition of direct links to MEF/IdRef-RAMEAU places and temporals

The subjects fields in the document editor can now be linked directly to IdRef/RAMEAU entities of type bf:Place and bf:Temporal, in addition to bf:Person, bf:Organisation, and bf:Topic.



  • The global performance of the app has been significantly improved. Circulation operations' speed, search results loading, and the display of holdings/items should be noticeably better.
  • After placing a request on an item, the item's status is now directly updated in the interface without needing to reload the page.

Public interface

  • Pickup locations are now sorted by name in the public ILL request form.


  • The pickup location of a requested item is now displayed on check-in when it becomes "at desk". This allows libraries with multiple pickup locations to know where the item should be picked up.
  • The "location" label in the transaction history was clarified. It indicates the "pick-up location", while the "library" label is always the transaction library.
  • The ILL tab in the patron circulation interface now displays all ILL requests that are not anonymized and also displays the status and loan status of the requests.


  • Items in standard holdings are now sorted alphanumerically by their unit field (e.g. vol. 1, vol. 2, vol. 3, etc.).
  • In the document detailed view, the "Genre, form" field is now displayed below the main metadata instead of below the thumbnail, so that documents with many genre/forms don't disrupt the display.
  • The mechanism that automatically links textual acces points with identifiers to MEF (IdRef and GND) has been enhanced and is now enabled for all entity types except bf:Work.
  • Document editor: after an entity has been selected, its type is now indicated by an icon.


  • Order lines are now sorted by pid and are in the same order in the acquisition order view and in the notification for the vendor.
  • Harvested documents, which cannot be linked to an order, don't appear in the order line's autocomplete anymore.

Reports & statistics

  • Added code unit testing to make the statistics module more robust and prevent future errors.

Bug fixes


  • Fixed a bug that made some loans appear twice in the patron circulation history (pro and public UI).
  • Fixed the keyboard shortcut (h) for help being hardlinked to the test instance's help.
  • Fixed a bug that unselected certain elements (e.g. document ISBNs, patron phone numbers, etc.) when interacting with the app, which prevented copy-pasting.
  • Fixed a translation error that displayed the item status "on shelf" as "available".
  • Added missing menu translations.
  • Various dependencies updates and vulnerability fixes.

Public interface

  • When searching for documents and expanding results to the global view, the page layout (app banner) now correctly switches to global.


  • Fixed a bug that prevented item information (call number and location) to be displayed in certain cases when checking in an item coming from transit.
  • Fixed the delay for the availability notification that was processed in seconds instead of minutes.

User management

  • Fixed a bug in the display of fees of type overdue that were not linked to a loan (manual fees).


  • Fixed a bug with some document imports with subjects of type Work creating invalid fields in the editor ("subject creator is unexpected").
  • Links to MEF-IdRef entities are now correctly generated when importing documents from SUDOC.
  • Fixed a tooltip indicating the wrong MARC equivalency in the document editor (field Work access point).
  • Fixed a bug with the import of scale and cartographic fields from SLSP.
  • Corrected a confusing label in the Content, media, carrier type field.


  • Fixed an error occurring when trying to send an order to a vendor with no "communication language". It now sends the order in English if no language is found.


  • Prevents locations that are disabled as pickup locations to still appear in certain menus.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented a new library to be created because no communication language could be selected.

Reports & statistics

  • Fixed a v1.18.0 bug that generated incorrect circulation stats (number of checkouts, number of renewals, etc.), because notifications were also counted.
  • Fixed the calculation of the number of ILL requests for pricing stats.


  • Fixed operation logs anonymization mechanism deleting fields that are required in the data.

Update v1.18.0 August 2023

See full changelog

New features

Send claims for late serial issues

Catalog managers can now use RERO ILS to send the vendor a claim notification message requesting a late serial issue The issue keeps track of how many claims were sent and when they were sent. Please ensure that the data is complete in the library (serial acquisition settings) and vendor (contact block type:serial) resources to be able to send a claim.

Automatic due date update for new closed library dates

When updating a library's opening hours with new closed dates, the system will now asynchronously update active loans so that their due date is not set on a day when the library is closed.

Import documents from SUDOC catalog

Cataloging librarians can now search and import documents from the SUDOC catalog via SRU.

Professional users with multiple libraries: keep the last used library active

Previously, when logging in, a default active library was arbitrarily chosen if a librarian had multiple libraries. Now, the system remembers which library was last used in the current Web browser and activates it automatically.

Confirmation message when closing a metadata editor

To avoid a possible loss of modifications a confirmation message is now displayed if an editor is closed while editing data.


Public interface

  • Patrons can now see the provisional fees for their late documents in the Loans tab of their patron profile.
  • Fees payment: a new type of payment ("invoice") has been added.


  • Added the ability to remember the chosen fixed date for checkouts in the current session.
  • If an item is checked out and already has a request for another patron, a notification is directly sent to the first patron to inform them that there is a reservation on their document.
  • The patron view of the circulation interface now also displays the patron's active ILL requests.


  • Added a new keyboard shortcut (i) to open the item inventory list.
  • When adding the field "Acquisition date" to an item, the current date is automatically used instead of the field being empty.
  • A weekly task now transforms local entities with GND or IdRef identifiers to linked entities in the catalog.
  • Subjects and Genre, form fields are now exported in documents SRU exports.

Bug fixes


  • Fixed the display of some dates in the English interface using the US format (07/25/2023 instead of 25.07.2023).
  • Fix a bug in the indexing of the loans resource.
  • Various dependencies updates and vulnerability fixes.

Public interface

  • Fixed a bug that prevented document contributors to be displayed in the public patron profile.
  • An item that has a temporary item type now correctly displays its circulation information in the public view.


  • Fixed a bug that prevented from saving an ILL request if certain non-required fields were missing.
  • Fixed an error when checking out an item from a library without opening hours.
  • Changed the time of the daily notification processing to 3 AM UTC to avoid possible conflicts with circulation operations.

User management

  • Added a validation to ensure that patron barcodes are unique.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed a librarian to enter an invalid date of birth (e.g. 9.1.0092) in the user editor.


  • Added a validation to ensure that item barcodes are unique.


  • The component for sending an order (or serial claim) to a vendor was greatly improved and now allows choosing multiple email addresses from the data or add them manually to different email fields (send to:, copy to:, blind copy to:, send responses to:).

Serial management

  • Fixed a bug that allowed a librarian with multiple libraries to edit items and holdings of a non-active library.

Reports & statistics

  • Fixed a bug that did not count the number of validated requests correctly in the librarian statistics.
  • Fixed the number of ILL requests in the billing statistics to only consider validated requests.
  • Fixed a bug that recorded the wrong user library in the operation history of some resources if the librarian had multiple libraries.

Update v1.17.0 May 2023

See full changelog

New features

Addition of direct links to MEF/IdRef-RAMEAU concepts

Until now, RERO ILS documents allowed to import through MEF links to entities (authorities) agents of type Person (bf:Person) and Organization (bf:Organization). For topics of type bf:Topic, it was necessary to enter the name of the topic and its IdRef identifier manually. From now on, it is possible to import directly this type of entities in the documents as for the agents!

The IdRef-RAMEAU repository is listed in MEF and can be used directly in RERO ILS, in the Subject and Genre, form fields of a document. This feature, which will facilitate the life of subject indexers, has required many resources and intense reflections in order to implement it properly. This is why the data structure of RERO ILS has been somewhat modified to accommodate this change and to prepare for further integrations. A single resource type named Entity now hosts all authority data linked from MEF: persons, organizations, topics, etc. These can be used in different fields of the documents depending on the entity relation to the document (contributor, subject, genre/form).



  • Adapted cataloguing editor.


  • Subjects and contributions structure adapted and simplified to account for the new resource Entity.

Bug fixes


  • Fixed a configuration that prevented words longer than 10 characters from triggering autocompletion.

Update v1.16.0 May 2023

See full changelog

New features

Inventory list: reverse sorting by call number and barcode

Since the search engine does not allow to go directly to the last results page, the reverse sorting will allow managers to see the end of a list of items very simply.

Cancellation of a request from the circulation interface

No need to open a specific item to cancel a request for a user. A button allows you to cancel a current request directly from the professional view of the patron account.

Specific pickup location for ILL

Libraries that do not do interlibrary loan had no way to indicate it, and users could make such requests to a pickup location that, in practice, did not do ILL. Now, each location can be a standard checkout location and/or an ILL checkout location. Thus, libraries that do not do ILL can disable this option to avoid request errors from their patrons.

ILL: Check for the existence of the document in the institution.

When a patron requests an ILL document, for example from the global view. The form displays an additional warning if the document already exists in the institution in question.

Show/hide password

On the login screen, it is now possible to display the password when typing it in order to avoid errors or to check it.


Public view

  • Improved and clarified the message informing a patron that their account is expired or blocked. Now displays throughout the application and adapts to the context (global view, organization view, etc.).


  • Item transaction history:
    • Displays the item's number of checkouts and renewals (total and last 365 days).
    • Now displays notifications that have been sent in relation to the item in question.
    • Possibility to filter the display of notifications or circulation operations.


  • Obsolete MARC country codes have been removed from the data model (cn, err, lir, lvr, uk, unr, us, ur, ys) and replaced with their accepted equivalents.
  • The transaction history now displays the home library of the professionals who modified the resource.
  • A librarian with rights to multiple libraries can change the location of an item to move it from one library to another.


  • The switch library menu for professionals with multiple libraries is now sorted alphabetically by library code.


  • Circulation notification data now records the email addresses to which the notification was sent.
  • It is now possible to load non-electronic documents with the harvested type. This allows to load batches of documents that cannot be edited from the interface (example: Bibliomedia batches).

Bug fixes


  • Updated technical dependencies.
  • Various security and technical bug fixes.
  • Added several missing translations.
  • Fixed an error related to a wrong date format on some browsers, especially Firefox ESR.

Public view

  • Fixed an error in the console when displaying documents without a thumbnail.


  • Professional interface: searches are now filtered by default on the active organization.


  • Transaction histories related to active fees are no longer anonymized.
  • The "copy" field on the ILL form is now correctly recorded.
  • Fixed a bug that was generating extra numbers after the comma when paying fees (e.g. 0.00000002 CHF).
  • Fixed a bug that always displayed Sunday as a working day in the calendar when choosing a loan with a fixed date.

User management

  • Fixed a bug that prevented the cross symbol from appearing after editing a patron in the circulation interface.


  • Local fields are now deleted as well instead of remaining orphaned when the resource in question is deleted.
  • Fixed several errors that occurred when synchronizing entities (people, organizations) between RERO ILS and MEF.
  • Import of documents: fixed an error that sometimes prevented imported GND and IDRef authorities from being automatically linked to MEF.

Serial management

  • The sorting date field is now correctly used in all views (holdings, editor, etc.) to sort serial issues.

Reports & statistics

  • Fixed a bug that allowed professionals to see the statistics of all libraries and organizations, not just their own.

Update v1.15.0 March 2023

See full changelog

New features

Permissions: add more roles for professionals

This release adds customisation in user permissions. The professional roles librarian and system librarian have been replaced by more granular roles:

  • pro: full permissions: for system librarians, all permissions for the organisation
  • pro: library administrator: gives the same rights as full permissions except for resources linked to the organisation (patron types, circulation policies, etc.)
  • pro: read only: gives API access
  • pro: catalog manager: for catalog management (documents, items, holdings edition)
  • pro: circulation manager: gives access to the circulation module
  • pro: user manager: allows the edition of users and patrons
  • pro: acquisition manager: gives access to the acquisition module

These new roles can be combined to give or restrict access to certain functionnalities on a per-user basis. A new Permission matrix shows exactly which operations are allowed for each resource and each role.


In order to manage entities (authors, subjects, etc.), RERO ILS uses the MEF server. Previously it only imported data from MEF when creating a link in a document to a person entity. In this release, a sync mechanism has been implemented so that when entities change in external repositories (IdRef, GND), their data is updated in MEF and also in RERO ILS. For example, if two person entities are merged into a single one in IdRef, the merge is automatically reflected in RERO ILS. This allows document contributors to be up to date with external repositories and also prepares the future work for the inclusion of other types of entities using the same mechanism (concepts, timespans, etc.).

Specify a sorting date for serial issues, different from the expected date

In items of type issue, there is a new field Sorting date. When filled, this date overrides the expected date as a sorting key in the item list. This allows the serial manager to choose how to sort the items even when some of them are expected/received late. Moreover, the expected date is now always editable.

Search items by number of current requests

This new feature in the Inventory list allows a librarian to see which items currently have the most active requests by sorting the item list or using the facet Current requests. This allows acquisition managers to evaluate which items have the longest waiting list and decide when to buy a additional copies so that patrons don't have to wait months for a document.

Add fees manually

A circulation librarian can now manually add fees to a patron and specify the type of fees.



  • The temporary location of an item is now correctly taken into account to allow or restrict requests.
  • Cancelled requests are no longer displayed in the history tab of the professional patron account.

User management

  • Login security has been enhanced:
    • Stronger password requirements for new and changed passwords.
    • The password can be generated but not manually typed by the professional in the user editor.
    • Feedback message for failed login is now completely generic so that existing usernames cannot be inferred from it.
  • An option no information has been added for when patrons prefer not to disclose their gender.

Bug fixes


  • Fixed mapping configs that prevented certain expert searches with wildcards (e.g.: provisionActivity.agent.\*:'Gallimard')


  • Circulation logs in the server now give more precise information.


  • Inventory list: fixed an error 500 when trying to sort items by call number.
  • Inventory list: fixed a bug that prevented fields from provisionActivity to be correctly exported to CSV.
  • Local fields are now displayed in the correct order.
  • Invalid identifiers are now indexed (searchable).
  • Fixes bugs when using new contributors in the document that lead to a double entry in the index, but not in the database.


  • Deleted the useless field acquistion_order in the library notification settings.
  • Fixed a bug that deleted past opening hours exceptions when editing a library, which could lead to incorrect late fees calculations.

Update v1.14.0 January 2023

See full changelog

New features

Rollover settings and process

Acquisition resources for an organization can now be rolled over to the next fiscal year with a command. This creates a new budget and disables the old one. Existing accounts and their structure are copied to the new budget. All order lines that were not "cancelled" or "recieved" in the old budget are transferred to the new one and resources linked to the old budget can now be read but cannot be modified.

Fees search and brief view

A brand new professional view allows librarians to list, search, filter, and export patron transaction. This allows for an easier management of late fees or subscription fees for a library or an organization.

List linked documents

A button in the document detailed view now leads to a list of all documents that are linked as a partOf. This is especially useful for journals detailed views where we can now directly access a list of linked article pages.


Public interface

  • Added an explicit warning to the ILL request form to limit patron requesting existing documents as ILL.


  • The barcode and call number of items are now displayed in the availability notification.
  • In the circulation interface, the name of any patron is now clickable and leads to this patron's circulation page.


  • The subject import is now configurable by instance. For RERO+ libraries, subjects from an imported document are now imported to the field subject_imported.
  • In the document detailed view, electronic locator URLs now open in a new tab.
  • RERO+: updated the mecanism that differentiates fiction and non-fiction subjects in facets to be compatible with IdRef subjects.
  • Item types model: extended the max length of the displayed_status.label and circulation_information.label fields to 90 characters.
  • Holdings model: extended the max length of the note.content field to 10,000 characters.


  • The ISBN in the order message sent to the vendor is now displayed without hyphens as EAN for easier copy-paste.
  • The qualification subfield is added in the order template for a complete information to the vendor (e.g. "vol. 2").

Bug fixes


  • Security: uniformize failed login message.
  • Fixed various security issues, vulnerabilites and server errors.
  • Updated dependencies.
  • Fixed a file format issue with the export to the Zotero plugin.

Public interface

  • The search parameter simple=1 is now hidden from the facets panel in the public search view.
  • Fixed a bug where clicking on the author of a document from the patron profile did not redirect to the correct resource.
  • Fixed some display issues of the holdings on small screens.


  • The call number fields are now indexed in the same way (as ES text) for items, documents and holdings.


  • Fixed a SIP2 problem that prevented pending and at desk requests to be differentiated, especially by selfcheck devices.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented loan resources to be anonymized if a linked resource (like location) had been deleted.
  • Fixed a problem that sometimes redirected the professional to an empty page with message "There are no records in this section." when in a resource list.


  • Fixed a bug that suggested erroneous existing duplicates when importing a document that had no identifier.
  • Harvested documents (ebooks) cannot be linked to other documents anymore.
  • Items that are used in a library collection resource can no longer be deleted.

Reports & statistics

  • Fixed a bug that returned an empty file when exporting an inventory list if a document did not contain a provisionActivity of type bf:publication.


  • Fixed a bug that prevented all $0 subfields of the list to be exported by SRU MARC21.
  • Added a control to prevent illegal characters to be exported by SRU.
  • Fixed a bug with the RIS export.

Update v1.13.0 September 2022

See full changelog

New features

Enrichment of the document search facets

Several significant improvements have been added to this feature in the public and professional views:

  • Added buttons to filter only online resources and/or physical resources.
  • Combining multiple values within a facet allows to broaden the search (OR operator). The Author and Subject facets apply the AND operator to refine the search.
  • Added the facets Publication year, Genre, Form and Intended audience.
  • A server configuration allows to define which facets should be active in a RERO ILS installation.

CSV export of orders and acquisition accounts

The professional acquisitions interface now allows to export as CSV the list of orders and accounts from their respective brief views.

Listing and export of current loans

To facilitate the management of overdue or expired items, a new view in the professional interface allows you to list, sort, export and display the details of your current loans.

ILL request button on the global interface

Added an "Interlibrary loan" button in the detailed view of the documents in the global catalog. This button opens an ILL request form pre-filled with the document information and allows a patron to easily request a document from the union catalog. This button can be disabled in the server configuration.



  • Improvements to the request button on the collection status to reduce errors:
    • The button is placed inside the collection status at the end of the list of displayed copies.
    • If copies exist, a warning warns the reader not to request a copy in the list.
  • The items in the patron view (pro UI) now display the document's call numbers.

User management


  • The most frequent values (aut, cmp, ctb, edt, hnr, ill, pht, prf, trl) of the contribution.role field are now always displayed at the top of the list in the editor, so they can be more easily selected/deselected.
  • Added two document subtypes to the data model: Projected image (docsubtype_projected_image) and Illustrated book docsubtype_pictorial_book.
  • Added a shortcut to add the Acquisition date field in the item editor.


  • Work is underway to enable a budget rollover process:
    • Changing resources from a non-active fiscal year is now blocked.
    • Changing fiscal years within an organization is now immediatly effective for all users.

Reports & statistics

  • Added several fields to the inventory list export to facilitate collection management, inventory and weeding:
    • ISBN, ISSN
    • Series statement
    • Publisher and publishing dates
    • Edition statement
    • Hidden document (yes/no)
    • Local fields of the document
    • Item creation date
    • Expiration date of the temporary circulation category
    • Item notes
    • Hidden item (yes/no)
    • PAC Code
    • Number of renewals
    • Local fields of the item


  • Updated the help module for better readability.
  • Added a link to the privacy policy (depending on server configuration), as well as to the current version in the footer of the public interface.

Bug fixes


  • The provisionActivity.type subfield is now indexed for search.
  • Fixed a problem that caused inconsistent results when using the & character in a search.
  • Indexing and display of multiple titles proper (e.g. transliterations) has been corrected.
  • The partOf field now indexes the entire title (including subfields) of the parent document in the child document. So it is now possible to search, for example, a document or article via a subtitle of its host document.


  • Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented at_desk notifications from being sent.

User management

  • It is now possible to use authentication via the SIP2 protocol for a user without e-mail.


  • Corrected the order of display of Parts, Sections, Supplements and Numbers in the detailed views of documents, as well as in the display of title variants and in the case of host documents.
  • Fixed a bug that inserted too many spaces before and after parenthesis in the display of resources coming from MEF (people, organizations).


  • Corrected an error caused by the deletion of command lines already received.

Reports & statistics

  • Corrected the processing of some fields in the inventory list export:
    • last_transaction_date is now correctly calculated.
    • loans_count (irrelevant) is replaced by legacy_checkout_count and checkout_count which show the total number of loans for an item, as well as renewals_count which shows its total number of renewals.


  • Fixed a bug that prevented an existing template from being saved in the test servers.
  • The number of ebooks on the test server ils.test is now more consistent with the number of physical copies.
  • FUPdated technical dependencies and fixewd new vulnerabilities.
  • Improvements to the ebook harvesting mechanism and document reindexing.
  • The warning message on test instances is now correctly translated.

Update v1.12.0 July 2022

See full changelog

New feature

Export to bibliography manager

It is now possible to export the metadata of a document or search results in RIS or JSON format. The RIS format can be imported by bibliography management software such as Zotero, Endnote, Citavi, etc.



  • The test servers will no longer be accessible through search engines.
  • The warning about the test servers is visible on all pages of the public interface to avoid confusion.
  • Better adaptation of the size of document thumbnails in the mobile interface.


  • ISBNs and ISSNs can now be searched with or without their hyphens.
  • ISSN searches are now case insensitive.


  • Added sorting by pickup location in the list of requests.
  • Loans made after this update show their due date in the circulation interface even after a return.
  • Fixed an error that sometimes displayed the renewal button for non-renwable items.

User management

  • Stricter validation when registering an email in the patron account.
  • Fixed validation errors for the Postal Code and Barcode fields in the patron resource.


  • Added MARC21-JSON conversion of Abbreviated Title, Work Access Point, Temporal Coverage, Scale (maps) fields.
  • Links to harvested ebooks on ebibliomedia now take into account affiliation by library.
  • Added subfield identifier for document in relation, series statements and work access points.
  • URLs of type rtsp:// are now accepted in the online access field of items.

Bug fixes


  • Fixed a 400 Bad Request error that could appear when opening a resource after a certain time of inactivity.
  • Correction of the link to the ILL form on the global home page.


  • The duplicate document detection mechanism in the editor and in the brief acquisition views now takes into account the ISBN10-ISBN13 equivalents.
  • The cursor now correctly moves to the top of the page when changing pages in search results.


  • Fixed a bug that sometimes displayed the wrong patron in the 'At desk' notification for an item with multiple requests.


  • Editor: Greatly improved performance when adding and removing fields.
  • Editor: Fixed a global behavior that prevented some fields from being displayed by default when creating a document, and that hid some fields even if they contained data when opening an existing document. Examples: fields, masked, etc.
  • Editor: Fixed a bug that reset the contribution.agent field when adding a subordinate unit subfield.
  • Editor: Fixed a bug that always displayed the Work Access Point field as Link to Work, even when a Work (local) was present.
  • Editor: The Date 1 and Date 2 subfields in Provision Activity now accept values up to 9999.
  • Editor: Fixed a bug that displayed "Content Type" as a selectable value in the Content, media, carrier types field.
  • IdRef contributors now always display the Latin alphabet form as the primary access point.
  • Fixed MARC21-JSON conversion of 260 fields.
  • Display of life dates for subjects-persons in tags (detailed view of documents).
  • Correction of the SLSP import mapping : RERO-RAMEAU is now correctly imported in Source for the corresponding subjects.


  • Missing data (date and billing information) in the order notification has been added and the formatting has been corrected.

Serial management

  • Serial issues that have been overdue for some time are no longer automatically set to Claimed status.


  • Fixed several wording and translation problems.

Update v1.11.0 May 2022

See full changelog



  • The document index now contains item local fields and item temporary circulation category. Allows expert searches on those fields, e.g. for new acquisitions or local themes queries.
  • The document index now contains IDREF and GND identifiers for search and references.


  • Added a button to extend all lines at once in the patron account (professional UI).
  • Added a new notification type for professionals: when an item arrives at desk.

User management

  • When a patron adds or deletes their email, their communication channel is automatically updated in consequence.
  • Loan list in the patron account: improved readability, labels to loans that are due soon, document author in the main line.


  • Subject subdivisions (MARC21 6XX $v, $x, $y and $z) can now be added for local subjects.
  • Added a field access_note for holdings to specify access conditions for online documents.
  • Item field URL now allows RTSP link.

Bug fixes


  • Circulation interface: fixed a bug that prevented the search of a patron barcode when the checkin list was not empty.
  • The pickup deadline for a request is now calculated from the checkin, not the request date.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented certain expired requests to be correctly cancelled.
  • Fixed a server error that prevented disputes to be created.
  • ILL request form doesn't auto-select a pickup library anymore, preventing mistakes.

User management

  • Fixed a bug that prevented items to inherit the holdings' circulation category and location in some instances.
  • The reset password email is not sent anymore on a simple patron email edit.


  • ISBN duplicate checks doesn't trigger for currently edited document anymore.
  • Fixed incomplete and incorrect display of subjects in the document detailed view.
  • All title parts (not only the last one) are now correctly displayed in the document brief and detailed views.


  • Fixed an error ("not a multiple of 0.01") that prevented some amounts to be saved in the receipt editor.
  • Acquisition accounts with the same name or number can now be created inside and across libraries and organisations.


  • Deleting a location that has linked holdings is not possible anymore.

Reports & statistics

  • Fixed a bug that prevented a librarian with more than one organisation to dowload statistics.
  • Line breaks are now correctly rendered in the field enumerationAndChronology of the holdings.


  • Fixes some duplicated subjects for ebooks.
  • Fixed and updated various MEF links.


  • Fixed a server error caused by draft records accessible in the public view.
  • In German, patron ("Leser/in") is now "Kunde/in".
  • Various technical dependencies updates.
  • Fixed various wording and translation issues.

Update v1.10.0 April 2022

See the full changelog

Thanks to the precious collaboration of our users, several bugs have been identified and corrected in this April update which keeps consolidating the stability of the RERO ILS system for libraries using it in production. Some functional improvements have been added, notably the patron account in the public view which will allow a better management of the current loans and a sorting by expiry date. Finally, it is now possible to place requests for serial publications, even when individual issues are not listed in the system, which will facilitate the work at the circulation desks.

New features

Requesting an issue from a holding

Issues of a serial are not always recorded individually and are frequently summarized in plain text in the collection status. However, these issues must still be available for request, borrowing, or consultation. To facilitate the management and circulation of serials for which some or all copies are not individually recorded in the system, it is now possible to make a request directly from the holding resource.

When authorized by the circulation policy, this type of request allows the user to indicate the issue they wish to order (year, volume, number, pages). A temporary issue is automatically created to track each of these requests. This issue will be displayed in the professional interface and in the patron account but will remain hidden in the public view; once checked in, it is automatically deleted.



  • Improved operation stability at the selfcheck desks.

User management

  • The public patron account now displays 20 loans per page, compared to 10 previously.
  • The list of loans in the public patron account can now be sorted by due date.
  • Visual improvements of the patron profile editor in the public view.
  • When a user edits their profile in the public view, they are not redirect to the global view anymore.

Reports & statistics

  • It is now possible to export circulation statistics separated by item location.
  • Renaming and translation of column headers in the statistics export files for a better understanding.


  • Various technical optimizations.

Bug fixes


  • Fixed a bug related to the daylight saving time wrongly adding a day to traffic deadlines.
  • Overdue preview fees are now correctly generated on loan renewal.
  • Fixed an error that occurred on checkin or checkout when a document had a parallel title before the main title.
  • Fixed a bug that in some cases gave an item the wrong status when cancelling a request.
  • The notification "Checkout impossible: the item is already on loan" now specifies that the copy is on loan "for another patron".

User management

  • Fixed a bug that prevented patrons registered in several organizations from accessing some external services (ebooks, e-learning, etc.).
  • Tooltips in the public patron profile editor are now translated and displayed correctly.


  • Fixed a bug that prevented a document's abstract from displaying in full in the public view if it contained quotation marks.
  • Temporary locations with an expiration date are now automatically removed from items when they expire.
  • Corrected in the document view the title of the Reproduction of field that was erroneously displaying as Supplement to in the public interface.
  • Punctuation separating multiple publisher mentions in the display is now RDA/ISBD compliant: (":" becomes ";").
  • The number of items displayed for a holding no longer includes hidden copies.
  • When the location of a holding is changed, the items that inherit from it are automatically changed.
  • Fixed an error that occurred when the system checked for duplicates during an import with a local identifier.

Reports & statistics

  • Fixed a bug that generated an empty file when a librarian registered in two organizations tried to export statistics.


  • Various server error fixes.

Update v1.9.0 March 2022

See the full changelog


User management

  • Display the patron account creation date in the professional view.
  • A limit for for active account for unpaid subscription can now be set in the patron types.


  • The request list now displays the specific time of the request, not only the date.


  • Added a new document type: Teaching material with subtypes : Reading kit, Experimentation kit, Thematic kit, Official material et Guided reading.
  • The search results (document brief viwe) now displays the edition statement and the other title.

Serial management

  • Imrpoved the serial holdings detailed view with more information and better lisibility.


  • Added the possibility to set an opened or closed period in "My library" settings.

Reports & statistics

  • Inventory list: the CSV export now includes the checkout date and due date for items on loan.
  • Inventory list: added a facet to filter the list by temporary circulation category and temporary location.


  • Added the possibility to disable certain types of notification in the library settings.
  • Mises à jour des dépendances techniques.

Bug fixes


  • Fixed a bug where a search was passed as expert search and thus returned an empty result.
  • Fixed a bug where a search returned no result if the bestmatch setting was not stated in expert search.


  • Late fees calculation corrected: the fees are now always calculated with the settings of the checkout library, and not the latest transaction library.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the system to send a request notification. This will now be sent to the default library email if non is provided in the settings.
  • Fixed a bug preventing fees to be deleted if a value with one decimal was entered.


  • The field statement of responsibility is back in the editor's quick-access panel.
  • Added the values bul-ltn et bul-cyrl (Bulgarian) in the language list.


  • The vendor's phone number field is now more flexible.
  • Serial issues are not saved as new acquisitions by default anymore.


  • Fixed a bug that prevented late fees to be displayed in the circulation policy form in some cases.


  • Fixed a small display offset in the "My Account" button on mobile.
  • Various translation fixes.