Fiction statement
General note
- Ed. anglaise: Exploring children's rights. Nine short projects for primary level
- Contient également: la Déclaration des droits de l'enfant
- French
Original title
- Exploring children's rights. Nine short projects for primary level
Intended audience
- 6-7 years (3rd Harmos)
- 7-8 years (4th Harmos)
- 8-9 years (5th Harmos)
- 9-10 years (6th Harmos)
- 10-11 years (7th Harmos)
- 11-12 years (8th Harmos)
- illustrations
Statement of responsibility
- Rolf Gollob et Peter Krapf
- en coopération avec Emir Adzovic
Series statement
- ECD/EDH; Vol. 5
Other material characteristics
- ill.
Supplementary content
- Réf. de sites internet: p. 89-90
- 9789287165046 ISBN
- R005105274 RERO
Carrier and content type
- volume (text)
Mode of issuance
single unit / Material unit