  • book, text

Everyday politics and culture in revolutionary France : essays in honor of Lynn Hunt

Hunt, Lynn Avery, 1945-.... (honouree) ; Thompson, Victoria Elizabeth (editor) ; Ragan, Bryant T, 1960-.... (editor) ; Desan, Suzanne, 1957-.... (editor)
xv, 299 Seiten

RIS (Endnote, Zotero, ...) Export

ID  - 2244381
TI  - Everyday politics and culture in revolutionary France : essays in honor of Lynn Hunt
T2  - Oxford University studies in the Enlightenment; 2024:06
A2  - Hunt, Lynn Avery, 1945-....
A2  - Thompson, Victoria Elizabeth
A2  - Ragan, Bryant T, 1960-....
A2  - Desan, Suzanne, 1957-....
DA  - 2024
SP  - xv, 299 Seiten
CY  - Liverpool
LA  - eng
PB  - Liverpool University Press
SN  - 9781802073812
SN  - 1802073817
UR  -
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VL  - 06
PP  - Liverpool
Y1  - 2024
PY  - 2024
ER  -