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The profane arts of the Middle Ages = Les arts profanes du Moyen Âge

Misericordia International (contributor)
Frequency: Peut-être bisannuel

RIS (Endnote, Zotero, ...) Export

ID  - 2027999
TI  - The profane arts of the Middle Ages = Les arts profanes du Moyen Âge
A2  - Misericordia International
DA  - 1992
CY  - New York
LA  - eng
LA  - fre
PB  - R.D. Shelden
UR  -
KW  - {'entity': {'type': 'bf:Topic', 'pid': '14566312', 'pids': {'remote': '14566312', 'idref': '027269302'}, 'variant_access_point': ['Arts plastiques', 'Arts visuels', 'Beaux-arts', "Et l'art", "Oeuvres d'art"], 'resource_type': 'remote', 'organisations': ['1', '3', '2'], 'authorized_access_point_en': 'Art', 'authorized_access_point_fr': 'Art', 'authorized_access_point_de': 'Art', 'authorized_access_point_it': 'Art', 'primary_source': 'idref'}}
KW  - {'entity': {'type': 'bf:Topic', 'pid': '14568501', 'pids': {'remote': '14568501', 'idref': '027329917'}, 'variant_access_point': ['Époque médiévale', 'Et le Moyen âge', 'Médiéval, Monde', 'Monde médiéval', 'Période médiévale'], 'resource_type': 'remote', 'organisations': ['1', '3', '2'], 'authorized_access_point_en': 'Moyen âge', 'authorized_access_point_fr': 'Moyen âge', 'authorized_access_point_de': 'Moyen âge', 'authorized_access_point_it': 'Moyen âge', 'primary_source': 'idref'}}
PP  - New York
Y1  - 1992
PY  - 1992
ER  -