Fiction statement
- French
Original language
- German
- illustrations
Statement of responsibility
- Beat Hugi, Karin Widmer [ill.]
- [directeur de la publication: Centre de gestion du patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO Alpes suisses Jungrau-Aletsch (SAJA)
- rédaction Janosch Hugi, Beat Hugi
- concept et textes: Beat Hugi, Janosch Hugi
- photos Janosch Hugi, Raphael Schmid
- trad. de la version allemande Paule Valiquer]
Copyright date
- © 2019
- 22 x 30 cm
Other material characteristics
- ill.
Terms of availability
- : EUR 25.00 (DE), EUR 25.00 (AT), CHF 29.00 (freier Preis)
- 9783859329997 ISBN
- 9783859329997 ISBN
- 9783859329997 EAN
- R008968282 RERO
- 1187267996 DNB
Carrier and content type
- volume (text, still image)
Mode of issuance
single unit / Material unit